4 STEPS to have your data collected and analysed


Create your survey online

Just send us a file with your questions and get an online survey ready to be used.


Get answers and see the results

Get the answers and be able to see the summary of results and graphs


Get help on analysing the results

With the received data some basic analysis of the data is done and some insight about it is supplied.


Ask for expert assistance

Get the answers and be able to see the summary of results and graphs

Price plan


25 €

1 hour support

Basic data analysis by expert


150 €

Includes 6 hours of expert work on statistics and data analysis

Advanced Report

From 250€

Automatic PDF Generation

Complex Calculation

*Trial Plan available for 7 days with Basic Support

01 Create the survey

How to create your survey online

Define your questions

Check if you have all the questions that you want to ask. Check number of options or type of data.

Codify in Excel

Place the questions in an Excel format idetifying the type of the question and the existing options.

Send file

Send us the created file and we will set the online survey for you. You will have a link for it.

Distribute the link

Send the link to the people that you want to answer it.

02 Get answers and see results

How to create your survey online

Store the answers

Each answer is stored and codified.

Is possible to download the data to local processing.


The average and other parameters are calculated along the way making it easier to present statistics about your data

Histograms and charts

Histogram and charts are produced on the fly and available to analyse the results

03 Get help on analysing the results

Beyong automatic calculus you will get expert support on analysing the data

Descritive statistics

Descriptive statistics allows to have a description of the data and get some characteristics about it

Inferencial statistics

Create models and predict what can happen in other cases based on current distribution of data.

Identify significant informatioin

Help on interpreting and identify main conclusions that can be taken from the data.

04 Expert Assistance

Get more detailed analysis and help on specific cases


Get automatic calculus of values of dimensions given by a calculus over the average of a set of questions.

Advanced analysis

Get advanced statistics analysis specific to your problem or area.

Advanced Reporting Ability

Is possible to generate PDF's files with graphs in an automatic way.

Book Appointment

To ask for a service or discuss about it




Statistics Techniques


Tendencies analysis

Cluster Analysys

When groups are created with similarities between them

Factor Analysis

Analyse hidden factors inside the data to simplify the explanation model

Correlation analysis

Analyse of correlations among variables

Residual analysis

Residual analysis

Compare models

Check what is the best model for your case


No monthly paymet

Basic Analysys included

Personnal support

Advanced analysis

Analyse of correlations among variables

Remote assistance

Responsive surveys



"I was able to collect more than 1200 answers in a few days."

Mike Freeman

Service Client

Contact Us

Rua Maria Brown



+351 96 437 96 09

Operating Hours:

Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 18:00 GMT